Friday, June 13, 2008

So long, Farewell....sniff!, sniff!

Let's take a moment to say goodbye to shows that are not coming back this next season. These are the shows that I watched and enjoyed, and am pretty ticked off that they aren't coming back. Stupid ratings! Stupid TV executives!

  • Jericho, CBS-I appreciate the second season, but I felt the show had so many stories left to tell. I wish they had spent more time isolated from the rest of the world. Fascinating stuff.

  • Moonlight, CBS-Mick Saint John, I love you! Josef, you rock! Even liked the goofy nerdy tech vamp. Beth and Mick should have had several more seasons in them, this show was just getting off the ground!

  • The 4400, USA-I should be watching this show right now! It would have been soooo cool to see how everyone reacted to having powers-not just the original 4400! Did Tom Baldwin take the shot or not?! How about a movie to wrap this series up?

  • The Dead Zone, USA-What up, USA? You cancelled 2 of my fave shows in the same press release? Johnny Smith rocks! I thought this season we could see JJ showing some of his psychic abilities as he and Dad team up to help people, and bring down Stilson. Plus Sarah's finally available.....augh!

  • Bionic Woman, NBC-Yes, I know this show had a lot of critics, but it was getting better!

  • Blood Ties, Lifetime-Cool show, don't know why Lifetime cancelled it. Produced in Canada, it wasn't that expensive, or even affected by the writer's strike.

  • Extras, HBO-Funny, funny series. Love Ricky Gervais! Can't wait to see what he does next.

  • New Amsterdam, FOX-Not as good as Highlander:the series, but a cute foreign immortal searching for love? With flashbacks into his past? Why weren't you all watching?!

  • Beauty and the Geek, CW-I guess this show isn't going to have another season? Granted, this last round was kind of dull because of the whole Beauty vs. Geek angle they started out with(which is the opposite of what this show has always been about!), but this show has always been sweet and funny. Sad to hear it's not coming back for another round.

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