Monday, June 30, 2008

Stagate: Continuum

Click on the above title for a quick trailer for the new Stargate: SG-1 movie coming out July 29th on DVD! I am jazzed! This movie is supposed to set the stage for the third Stargate series, Stargate: Universe.

Army Wives: I love you, but....

Dear Army Wives,

I love you! I look forward every Sunday night to sitting down and checking out what you ladies (and gentlemen) are up to. Now, I know you are just a show and therefore tend to be a bit unrealistic sometimes, BUT.......... there were several points in last night's episode, "Leaving the Tribe" that really felt off to me. First of all-the crazy bomber's sister is on base? Dropping by the post commander's house? How did that even happen? I know that she probably got permission to come on base for the radio show, but then she wanders over to see the Holdens, and it takes the general by surprise? Really?? Also, I am not a member of the armed forces, but would Joan's staff really hug her after their friendly little meeting where she reveals her pregnancy? Seemed a little to friendly for the millitary-and her in particular- to me. I don't know how many pregnant women are in the service, but there seemed to be quite a few at the special pregnancy PT. And were they doing Yoga? Seemed kind of touchy-feely to me, but maybe that actually happens. Also, Roxy gets on my nerves. Yes, we all get that she is used to fighting everyone everywhere for what she wants, but week after week she stupidly confronts higher-ups with little to no regard for the consequences for Trevor. I'm thinking of griping Claudia Joy out in the first episode for getting seen at the hospital before her son, asking her husband's drill instructor to take it easy on him because his feet hurt, yelling at the hospital administrator so he'd keep Betty there instead of moving her to a county hospital, and this week instead of calling into Pamela's show to discuss the Hump Bar rebuild, she drives there, bursts into the booth while they are on air, and vents her point of view. With Roxy, there's her way, and the wrong way. I'm getting way tired of the Roxy way.

But, the thing that stood out glaringly to me was this week's storyline with Roland. So he thinks he wants to be a school counselor, and he just goes down to ask for the job? A school counselor is NOT a psychiatrist-they work more on future goals, like college planning, standardized testing, and class schedules. They do some counseling, but not the way Roland does. There is also a special degree you have to have to do it, you can't just become one overnight. He should be trying for a school psychologist, which is more of what he thinks a counseling gig is. Finally, calling and asking him to be a substitute English teacher.... I know it's to advance a storyline, but you can't just do that without special certification, training, and background checks. I don't care if it's a military school or not, that is NOT realistic. Whatever. I'm off the soapbox for now.

I still love you AW, this is not a break-up. Just consider this our first fight, okay?

Love, WattsFresh

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Looking ahead to July

Ahhh, summer...when some of my favorite series actually start! July is a busy month for cable TV shows. I have some returning favorites that I am looking forward to(or have already started watching!)

  • Burn Notice, USA I love this show! A former spy fired shut out of his agency by unknown forces? Forced to go back home to Miami and deal with his crazy mother and brother, work with his gun-happy ex-girlfriend, and hang out with Bruce-freaking-Campbell? What's not to love? I love his little MacGuyver spy objects-making listening devices out of cell phones, etc.

  • The Closer, TNT. Brenda Leigh rules! A southern lady as a deputy chief of priority homicide in LA. I love her relationships with her ex-lover boss, her FBI fiance Fritz, and her awesome squad. Especially Lieutenants Flynn and Provenza. Those jokers crack me up!

  • Stargate Atlantis, Sci-FI. Although nowhere near as good as the good old Colonel O'Neill days of SG-1, it's nice to still have the Stargate universe around. Lots of summer action and fun.

  • Army Wives, Lifetime. This addictive soapy show is all about the military spouses. What kind of life do you lead when the person you are married to is gone for months or years at a time? How do you survive? Who do you lean on? This show started its second season last Sunday, and I glad to see it back. If you haven't given this show a shot yet, all previous episodes are available for free without commercial interruptions on Lifetime's website. Click on the link on the right of this page to get there.
  • Mad Men, AMC. This awesome look at advertising executives in the sixties is full of gorgeous men and women, awesome acting, and terrific story lines. What happened to Peggy's baby? Will Don Draper's wife find out he's not who he says he is? Will I get lung cancer just from watching all of the constant smoking?

Are there any shows I missed that are going to be awesome in July? Let's talk about them here!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Holy Frak! BSG's "Revelations"

Wow. So many secrets revealed. The fleet finds out who the four Cylons are hidden among them. When Deanna said that only 4 are in the fleet, I immediately thought that the fifth must be Roslin, Helo, or Baltar already on the Cylon ship. But then, I thought maybe the fifth cylon is someone we have never even seen before. Maybe the fifth is who helped Kara and gave her the new raptor when she disappeared-she got that from somewhere, and the Cylons didn't seem to know anything about it. Edward James Olmos should be nominated for an Emmy for his outstanding work this week-I could hardly watch his breakdown after Saul told him the truth without breaking down myself. So now the four cylons in hiding have been revealed, and can stay with the humans or cylons. I predict Tori stays with the Cylons, having burned her bridges behind her with Roslin, but think the other 3 will stay with the humans. Hope the cylon-human truce can hold until they figure out what happened to Earth.

Earth. The tone in Roslin's voice said it all. We finally make it here, and all we have are radioactive soil, destroyed buildings, and no signs of life? Hope that any survivors left a clue to where they went next. I was expecting a 'Planet of the Apes" moment with the Statue of Liberty sticking out of the soil, but no such luck. What will they do now? How long before the other cylons find them? Do you think Boomer is around, and if so, will she and Tyrol get back together? I don't know if I can wait until January!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Middleman-Check it out!

A new show starts next Monday, the 16th on ABCFamily. The Middleman is a show about Wendy Watson, an artist who goes from temp job to temp job. While battling a mutant monster, she runs into the Middleman, a squeaky clean milk-drinking agent who works for mysterious unknown people, who battles monsters, aliens, and evil villains. Yes, comic-book evil is apparently alive and well in our world and the Middleman battles evil, so you don't have to. I saw the first episode, and I liked it. It's light, fun, summer viewing. You can download the pilot for free on itunes, or catch it Monday on ABCfamily at 8/7 Central. Let me know what you think!

So long, Farewell....sniff!, sniff!

Let's take a moment to say goodbye to shows that are not coming back this next season. These are the shows that I watched and enjoyed, and am pretty ticked off that they aren't coming back. Stupid ratings! Stupid TV executives!

  • Jericho, CBS-I appreciate the second season, but I felt the show had so many stories left to tell. I wish they had spent more time isolated from the rest of the world. Fascinating stuff.

  • Moonlight, CBS-Mick Saint John, I love you! Josef, you rock! Even liked the goofy nerdy tech vamp. Beth and Mick should have had several more seasons in them, this show was just getting off the ground!

  • The 4400, USA-I should be watching this show right now! It would have been soooo cool to see how everyone reacted to having powers-not just the original 4400! Did Tom Baldwin take the shot or not?! How about a movie to wrap this series up?

  • The Dead Zone, USA-What up, USA? You cancelled 2 of my fave shows in the same press release? Johnny Smith rocks! I thought this season we could see JJ showing some of his psychic abilities as he and Dad team up to help people, and bring down Stilson. Plus Sarah's finally available.....augh!

  • Bionic Woman, NBC-Yes, I know this show had a lot of critics, but it was getting better!

  • Blood Ties, Lifetime-Cool show, don't know why Lifetime cancelled it. Produced in Canada, it wasn't that expensive, or even affected by the writer's strike.

  • Extras, HBO-Funny, funny series. Love Ricky Gervais! Can't wait to see what he does next.

  • New Amsterdam, FOX-Not as good as Highlander:the series, but a cute foreign immortal searching for love? With flashbacks into his past? Why weren't you all watching?!

  • Beauty and the Geek, CW-I guess this show isn't going to have another season? Granted, this last round was kind of dull because of the whole Beauty vs. Geek angle they started out with(which is the opposite of what this show has always been about!), but this show has always been sweet and funny. Sad to hear it's not coming back for another round.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Supernatural-Why didn't anyone tell me?

Of course I had heard about how awesome Supernatural was, but I dismissed it. I actually tuned in for the first couple of minutes when the pilot premiered on the WB, but it started with a cheesy statement about watching it with the lights off to make it scarier. By the time Mom was on the ceiling in flames, I was reaching for the remote. I hate scary horror movies, and I thought that's what this was. Well, so many people have talked it up that I went to the library and checked out season 1 on DVD. I am hooked! It's like Buffy with boys! Love it! I am going to have to watch all 3 seasons on DVD before season 4 premieres on the CW so that I can be all caught up like a good little TV junkie.